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Wage-Labour And Capital

Wage-Labour And Capital

    Writen byKARL MARX
  • PublisherEducational Book House
  • Year2022

"The values of commodities are directly as the times of labour employed in their production, and are inversely as the productive powers of the labour employed."
- Karl Marx
In this book "Wage- labour and Capital", Marx has shown us what wages are (the pay for labour- power), discussed the effect of selling labour- power (alienation from the life-activity of the worker) and determined how the price of labour is decided: as the cost of the labour that went into producing the good, just like any other commodity. Marx is using a very important point that he develops fully in Capital: This is the labour theory of value.

Book Title Wage-Labour And Capital
Edition LanguageEnglish
Published Year2022
PublicationEducational Book House
Category गैरआख्यान